It is an honour for me to serve as Captain of Thorpe Hall Golf Club having been a member here for the past 12 years.

We all recognise that the past 2 years have been very difficult. Now is the time to get back to normal and have some fun, whilst continuing to uphold the high standards and traditions that makes this an excellent golf club.

I endeavor to encourage more men to join the ladies in the mixed matches, to ensure more harmony between sections.

Having served in the Royal Navy Submarine Service, the charity I have chosen to support during my year is the ‘We Remember Submariners’. This is a small charity very close to my heart. ‘We Remember Submariners’ was initially created with the aim of providing a wreath for the funeral of Lt Cdr Ian Molyneux in April 2011.

‘We Remember Submariners’:
• provide a wreath and condolence card for any serving or retired submariners that cross the bar along with 'Moly' pins for the immediate relatives
• provide a wreath for submarine memorial ceremonies such as The National Submariners’ Memorial Service and
• donate to worthy submarine-related causes and support submariners, past, present and future.

Welcome to all visitors and guests to Thorpe Hall Golf Club. I trust you will have an enjoyable day making the most of the fantastic golf course and the hospitality that our Club has to offer.

Welcome to all new members. Have some great golf and enjoy the full experience that our Club provides.


I would like to introduce myself, my name is Johanna Wilson,
I am Lady Captain for 2023 which is a privilege and an honour.

Tennis was always my sport while the rest of my family played golf.
After much pressure from my mother-in-law Joan whilst on holiday in Kinsale, Ireland I gave it a go, how hard can it be!
Very is the answer.
A sport where you find out a lot about yourself and my lack of patience did not help, so, after lots of practicing and tantrums I fell in love with the wonderful game of golf.
With lifelong friends made we formed a society which still meets now, after 20 years!
I joined Boyce Hill Golf Club. Not an easy course to learn on but it prepared me for any course with a small hill!
We moved from Benfleet to Chalkwell and I was persuaded to join Thorpe Hall. A brilliant decision. I love the mixed social golf and the twice weekly ladies’ days at Thorpe Hall the lunches after golf and the feeling of being part of something wonderful.
Golf is one of the few sports you can play with anyone of any age and ability and have a competitive game all abiding the same rules.

Each year the captains choose a charity to support.
My charity is the Neo Natal ward at Southend hospital.
I am hoping to raise enough money to make a difference to
New mums and dads while their babies are in the IC ward. Imagine sitting in an uncomfortable chair after giving birth watching your baby struggling hour after hour. We hope to raise enough money to buy a pair of recliner chairs for the ward. Please support us if you can.
I am looking forward to my captaincy year I know it will be made easier as I have a wonderful, dedicated committee.
All dedicated to having fun as well as golf.

Wishing you all a happy, healthy 2023 with lots of good golf.


I am honoured to be this seasons Cadet Captain at such as prestigious club as Thorpe Hall Golf Club, following in the steps of some amazing golfers.

I have always been an avid sportsman competing in most sports, so when I started golf aged 12 it surprised me of how the game encaptivated me and being my favored sport, and one I would like to pursue a career in.

Last season was quite successful, winning both the Men's and Cadet Club Championships, The Faldo Wedge, BJGT Tour Championship, various Junior Opens and claiming the 2021 Junior European Championship title as well as being awarded the Ken Cannon Trophy was a real honour. My aim is to make 2023 just as prosperous and I am looking forward to leading my fellow cadets this season.

Aged 7 I was Mascot at the iconic Wembley Stadium leading out Southend United walking beside Captain Chris Barker. Chris sadly took his life 3 years ago, so in his memory I have chosen a local charity S.E.C.E MIND, who provide valuable support to both adults and children dealing with all aspects of mental health issues knowing that they are not alone. This is such a worthwhile charity as 1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health issue at some point in our lives and S.E.C.E MIND are there to help.

Wishing everyone a happy and successful golfing season.
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