Mens Club Champion

The Mens Club Championship took place on the 8Th July 2023 . Peter Alabaster won with rounds of 74 / 70 ( 144) to win by two shots from David Abbot (146)

Ladies Club champion

The Ladies Club championship took place on The 4th July 2023. Olivia Frost won the scratch prize with a scores of 80/76 !

The Cadets Club champion

The Cadets club championship took place on

Captains Day (Mens)

Captains Day was played on the 26th June and was won by Lee Dilliway with a very credible score of 41 points , second was the inform Ben Brower with 39 .

Captains Day (Ladies)

Congratulations to Michelle Barnes on winning the Ladies Captains Day with a superb score of 41 points !
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Currently open
17.06.2024 13:06
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Course open - No Restrictions.
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